Website is still (partly) availlable at
the moment. This is the best place to start.
This site is still under construction!!
Starlab was a privately funded Blue Sky research institute in Brussels, Belgium. At the time of the bankruptcy (June 12, 2001), there worked about 100 people, from which 70 scientists. The range of research areas was breath taking: intelligent clothing, stemcell research, emotics, architecture, robotics, theoretical physics (e.g., the possibilities of time-travel), quantum consciousness, art, artificial intelligence, new media, biophysics, materials science, protein folding and nano-electronics, to mention a few.
Blue Sky Research, Multi-disciplinarity, Deep Future and serendipity were some of the mottos.
Nature, Vol. 412, 5 July 2001, p. 6:Utopian dream in tatters as Starlab crashes to Earth.
In the future I will try to address the following questions:
Websites of ex-Starlabbers (containing comments, pictures or other information):Press:
- Ozan Cakmakci
- Richard Wheeler
- Aseem Agarwala
- Hugo de Garis
- Jack Klaff
- Kristof van Laerhoven
- Leo de Penning
- Christopher Altman
- Chris Duif
- Time: The Lab of Last Resort
- BBC News: Clothes that do the thinking
- Techtrends
- Virtual Medical Worlds
- Shebang Magazine
- Pictures taken at the Zaventem building, 1999.
- Starlab in the snow
- Large picture of the building in Ukkel.
- Large picture of the rear side of the building.
- Other Starlabs
Starlab Barcelona still exists!
Imagine that close to a hundred top scientists, coming from 32 countries, each of them leaders in their respective fields, were one day repatriated with their families to a laboratory in Europe to work on the most cutting-edge projects that mankind can think of. Imagine that these people have at their disposal state of the art equipment to build the things they are passionate about ranging from the atomic level to the macroscopic levels. Imagine that they came there to cross-fertilize. Now you are very close to what Starlab was.
Other research labs which have/had something in common with Starlab:
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